* By continuing to use our Services You are implying that You have read these Terms and Conditions and have unconditionally accepted without reservation in their entirety.
Wheels2Door reduces the risk of fraud by acting as a trusted third-party that collects, holds and only disperses funds when both Buyers and Sellers are satisfied.
We take part at the selling process by offering our complete Buyers Protection and shipping services.
We are not just a regular Buyers Protection service, we have the infrastructure to conduct authorized pre-buy inspection on electrical equipment and all types merchandises.
» Either the Buyer or Seller begins a transaction.
» After registering, all parties agree to the terms of the transaction.
» Wheels2Door picks up the merchandise from the Seller and conduct a full pre-buy inspection of the merchandise at one of our partner services.
» Both buyer and seller are informed about the inspection result.
» The Buyer submits the payment by approved payment method.
» Wheels2Door verifies the payment.
» The Buyer has a set number of days to inspect the merchandise and the option to accept or reject it.
» The Buyer accepts the merchandise.
» Wheels2Door releases funds to the Seller.
» Transaction is complete. Safety and Securely!